Founded on the conviction that the words of the Bible are the very words of God, we have a passion for sharing God’s Word with the world. The Punjabi Standard Bible© is a product of our dedication to accuracy and clarity. It faithfully expresses the power and depth of meaning of God’s word. The Word of God deserves nothing less. This unique combination of readability and fidelity has produced a translation suited for every Punjabi-speaking Christian. From scholarly study to personal reading, group worship to family devotions, the Punjabi Standard Bible© is a Bible for all of life.
The New Testament will be completed in early 2021.
The Punjabi Standard Bible© uses the OPTIMAL EQUIVALENCE translation philosophy. This means that it seeks to be as literal as possible while also communicating the meaning of the text as clearly as possible for PUNJABI readers. For more information about optimal equivalence and the translation philosophy for this project, click here.
Contact us at for information regarding licensing or permission to use the Punjabi Standard Bible© text.